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Mojoj Bosni i Hercegovini

Kada bih Te bojom slikao, grimizno crveno i zlatna bi potekle, da duša na papir mekotom zrelog ploda kane.

Vezom kad bih Te platnu podario planina polje bi grlila, a rijeka ljepotu neba snivala.


Ogrćem Te muzikom čula svog, crtežom sevdahom, zvukom glasnog smijeha, cvijetom trešnje, mirisom behara.


Svim Tvojim sokacima i mahalama slobodan korak želim, svim Tvojim leptirima ljepota leta, ljudima Tvojim mir i blagoslov, i put dobar, ljubavi pun: da Te vole i da ih voliš, da rat zauvijek nestane, nikad ljubav da prestane, sve ružno da brišemo, lijepo da živimo, o lijepom da pišemo.


Za Tebe nemam dovoljno riječi. Opisat ničim Te ne mogu. Za tebe se u ljubav pretvara crtež moj i boja. Ja sam Tvoj, a Ti uvijekBosna i Hercegovina.

Mirko Gerstenhofer



To my Bosnia and Herzegovina

If I painted you, You would start to flow in purple and golden color, so that my soul would fall on a paper like a soft ripe fruit.

If put You on my painting like embroidery, then a mountain would embrace a field, and a river wold dream about sky's beauty.

I am covering You with the music of sense, Your native music, with the sound of a loud laughter with the flower of cherry-tree, with my drawing and the smell oh blossom.

To all Your paths and districts I wish a free step to have, to all your butterflies, the beauty of summer, to all Your people, peace and blessing to have and a good road full of love: I wish You to love them, and to be loved by them. I wish the war to be stopped forever, and love that disappears never, to wipe away everything is bad, to live in harmony, not to be sad, and write about nice things.

I don't have so many nice words. I can't describe You in any way. For You my drawing turns into love and paint. I know only that You Bosnia and Herzegovina will always be mine and I, Yours.

Mirko Gerstenhofer


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